Saturday, May 11

DIY Maxi skirt

Today I'll show you how to make a maxi skirt , the easy way.

1. The first thing you do is get a scissor, a ribbon, 2 by 1,40 (meter) fabric and something that you can measure the length with.

 2. Measure the length of your waist till your feet

3.  lay down the ruler thing against the fabric

4. Now take the length you just measured and cut of the fabric you don't need but watch out don't cut off to much , other wise the skirt will be to short. 
5 & 6. after you did that, take a width of 1,30 (meters) and cut the rest off. Now you have a fabric with a length from your waist till your feet and a with of 1, 30 meters.

7. Alright now decide with side is the top. If you have done that, fold the fabric and pin it. There has to be space for the ribbon.

8. Sew it don't do it to close to the side

9. Now it's sewed together , cut off the points at the beginning and the end of the fabric.

10. now you have this. 
11 & 12. Get the ribbon and push it through the hole.

13.  fold the fabric, make sure the wrong side is on the outside. Pin the side that's open and sew it .

and now you have a skirt !


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